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A simple question to interested users -
How many software security systems are so confident of their protections that they allow FULL refunds?

Policy is restricted specifically to the following:

  • In the software that has been cracked,
  • 1) Code-Lock has to be correctly implemented;
  • 2) All the available protections in Code-Lock must be implemented and correctly implemented;
  • 3) Program Code must be well chosen;
  • 4) Program Code must not be released to the public;
  • 5) No unprotected full versions must be released to the public;
  • 6) Software is cracked within 30 days of delivery of Code-Lock by ChosenBytes.

Only when the above is satisfactorily determined by ChosenBytes, will the registered user of Code-Lock receive the full refund. Only ChosenBytes has the RIGHTS to determine the eligibility for refund and will not entertain any further questions once a decision is made. Refund is made on a case-by-case basis. Upon refund, the user ceases to be a registered user of Code-Lock and will not receive future versions of Code-Lock unless a purchase is made again.

30 days starts from the date ChosenBytes delivers the Code-Lock to the user via any means and does not start from the date Code-Lock is received, implemented or used.

ChosenBytes reserves the RIGHTS to terminate this Money Back Policy.

Policy is not valid for Code-Lock bought during any promotion/offer period or any other periods when Code-Lock is not selling at the full price.

Policy does not include (and not limited to) the following:

  • 1) Failure of user to read the instructions;
  • 2) Failure of user to understand the instructions;
  • 3) Failure of user to fully comprehend what Code-Lock is for;
  • 4) Failure of user to realise that Code-Lock has to be integrated into the software during design time;
  • 5) Failure of user to realise that work needs to be done to fully secure the software with the help of Code-Lock;
  • 6) Failure of user to try out the DEMO version of Code-Lock;
  • 7) Failure of user to use Code-Lock at all.
  • 8) Failure of user verification status.
  • 9) Wrong purchase.

Please understand that the reason for all the above exclusions is to protect ChosenBytes' TRUE registered users and to prevent unscrupulous users from registering and getting a refund and ends up getting a registered version of Code-Lock which will compromise the security of Code-Lock for the rest of the users.